
  •    由上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心顾力行(Steve Kulich)教授、张红玲教授及迟若冰副研究员共同打造的《跨文化交际》国际慕课于2015年11月正式上线,这是英国FutureLearn平台上国内第一、亚洲第三门慕课,吸引了来自约200多个国家和地区、近7万名学员注册学习。该课程以新颖的角度、丰富的内容,介绍了跨文化理论知识与实践应用,并通过交流互动的方式帮助学习者掌握跨文化交际原则,提高跨文化交际能力。该课程入选国家首批精品课程、国家一流课程名录,并荣获上海市教学成果一等奖。



  • MOOC Course Contents

    If you have visited the course before, you know that it offers a “learning step” design, easy to incorporate into your class lessons. The 15 or so steps included in each week usually take learners about 4 hours to complete. But we encourage students to spend more time to read the many comments posted and make their own, enriching social learning on each step. 

    Each week’s content begins with several introductory steps, awareness-awakening videos or articles on IC constructs, learning activities, relevant case studies, questions for response and reflection, and weekly review steps. The five topics included in this IC course include:

    We introduce the course topic via definitions, metaphors, explanatory articles, an applied case and invite participants to reflect on possible sources of culture differences. 

    We provide ways to get to know others by focusing on cultural identity and begin to adjust our perceptions of and communications with each other. 

    We introduce taxonomies that describe how ways of interaction vary across cultures, helping you notice differences in how social contexts, personality, space, and time might be perceived. 

    We explore how values often underlie deeper cultural differences, examine ways to contrast variations of values, and consider how they help us analyze cross-cultural misunderstandings. 

    We show how adaptation processes underlie all culture learning and interaction, and how engaging in the culture shock, stress, and adjustment process helps develop intercultural competence. 




