Social and Personality Psychology Compass


Wang, S., English, A. S., Deng, Y, Zhou, Y. Z., Buchter, E. E. Stop the blame game: An analysis of blaming on Weibo during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in rice and wheat areas in China. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(10), e12903, (1-8). 2023.

Zhang, X. Y., English, A. S., Kulich, S. J., & Chen Y.S. How mask gap impacts discrimination and anxiety during COVID-19: A study on overseas Chinese during the first outbreak in 2020. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12793 (pp 1-8). 2023.

Zhang, X. Y., English, A. S., Talhelm, T., Nam, B. H., & Wei, L. Rice‐farming areas report more anxiety across two years of the COVID‐19 pandemic in China. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(9), e12795. 2023.