Faculty Publications
发布时间: 2014-02-27 浏览次数: 513

Edited Books

Dai, X. D., & Kulich, S. J. (Eds.). (2012).  Intercultural adaptation: Theoretical explorations and empirical. Intercultural research, Vol. 6. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (17 chapters, 434 pages) ISBN 978-7-5446-2950-8

Kulich, S. J., & Prosser, M. H., & Weng, L. P. (Eds.). (2012). Value frameworks at the theoretical crossroads of culture. Intercultural research, Vol. 4. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (16 chapters, 591 pages) ISBN 978-7-5446-2881-5

Kulich, S. J, & Dai, X. D. (Eds.). (2012). Identity and intercultural communication II: Conceptual and contextual applications. Intercultural research, Vol. 3. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (17 chapters, 372 pages) ISBN 978-7-5446-2556-2

Dai, X. D., & Kulich, S. J. (Eds.). (2010).  Identity and intercultural communication I: Theoretical and contextual construction. Intercultural research, Vol. 2. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (15 chapters, 382 pages) ISBN 978-7-5446-2101-1

Kulich, S. J. & Prosser, M. H. (Eds.). (2007). Intercultural Perspectives on Studying the Chinese, Intercultural research, Vol. 1. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (14 chapters, 382 pages) ISBN 978-7-5466-0455-0


Edited International Journal Special Issues

Prosser, M. H., & Kulich, S. J. (Eds). (2012). [Special issue: Early American pioneers of intercultural communication]. International Journal of Intercultual Relations, 36(6). [14 articles recruited] [ISSN: 0147-1767 SSCI impact factor 1.142]


Published Online Manuscripts

Kulich, S. J. (2011). Applying cross-cultural values research to “the Chinese”: A critical integration of etic and emic approaches (in 2 Volumes)(660 pages).

Vol. 1: The historical, disciplinary, and conceptual landscape of values studies (Chaps. 1-6),

Vol. 2: Mixed-method approaches and analysis of Chinese values (Chaps. 7-12).

Doctoral dissertation, Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, published online at


[since being posted Dec, 2011, the .pdf has been downloaded 989 times, an average of 50 per month]

see à http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?id=39023


Republished Domestic Edition Textbooks (with Chinese Commentary/Glossary Index, 2 books)

Kulich, S. J., et al. 顾力行、翁立平、王一安、王晓玲、付小秋、麻桑、索格飞、沈维维、梁文波 (2013). 古迪孔斯特《跨文化交际理论》中国重印版导读 “The history of IC theorizing” in chapter-by-chapter Reader’s notes” (English version). For W. B. Gudykunst, Theorizing about intercultural communication, SFLEP intercultural communications series (Vol. 12, pp. in press). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (Original published 2005) (In Chinese)

Kulich, S. J., Yin, G. L., & Li, A. C. (2007). Author introduction, and chapter-by-chapter Reader’s notes. In W. B. Gudykunst & Y. Y. Kim, Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication, 4th ed., SFLEP intercultural communications series (Vol. 1, pp. ix-xxxii, Index, pp. 455-477). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (Original published 2003) (In Chinese)

Kulich, S. J., & Chi, R. B. (2007). Chapter-by-chapter “Reader’s notes. In S. Ting-Toomey, Communicating across cultures, SFLEP intercultural communications series (Vol. 6, pp. ix-xxi, Index, pp. 301-318). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. (Original published 1999) (In Chinese)