Faculty Research Areas
发布时间: 2013-11-14 浏览次数: 415

Besides serving SISU in providing academic instruction in IC to various departments, a primary goal of the SII is to strengthen the research base of the intercultural field according to the interests and competencies of our faculty. Based on the belief that good teaching comes from good research and Kurt Lewin’s maxim that “there is nothing so practical as a good theory,” SISU professors affiliated with the SII are available for consultation or cooperation on academic research projects in the following areas:


Current Related Professors and Research Directions

Prof. Fuyou Wu                Intercultural Communication and International Public Relations    

Prof. Steve J. Kulich            Intercultural Communication Theory, Intercultural Pedagogy and Curriculum, Values and Identity Studies

Prof. Dr. Hu Lizhong       Comparative Historical and International Relations Research of China and the US

Prof. Dr. Wang Zhiqiang           Intercultural Theory, German Intercultural Communication

Prof. Dr. Zhang Hongling   Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching, Intercultural Education and Training, Computer- and Internet-Assisted Language and Culture Learning

Dean Prof. Fan Zheng          Intercultural Business Management and Negotiation

Assoc. Prof. Yu Zhaohui       International Public Relations, National

Image Building

Prof. Dr. Guo Ke           Intercultural Mass Communication, Public Opinion

Prof. Dr. Fang Yongde      Chinese and Intercultural Rhetoric and Translation

Prof. Sun Xinwei             International Protocol and Intercultural Communication Skills, Translation and Interpretation

Dean, Assoc. Prof. Yu Fei   Intercultural Foreign Language and Culture Training

Assoc. Prof. Li Wenjuan       Intercultural Identity, Values and Education Studies

Assoc. Prof. David N. Henry International Business Communication, Integrated Language and  Culture Teaching

Assoc. Prof. Zhu Ye               Intercultural Mass Communication, Internet and Media

Assoc. Prof. Zhu Ping            Intercultural Business Translation and Communication



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