Faculty & Advisors


Leaders & Personnel

      To carry out its mission and accomplish these aims, the institute is currently staffed and supported by the following leaders,  faculty, research fellows, an d advisors:  » More


Teaching Faculty

      A competent group of local and international faculty members have helped build an effective IC teaching program at SISU. Building on the undergraduate courses offered by Steve Kulich and Zhang Hongling in the late 1990’s, the Intercultural Communication MA program at SISU began in the College of English Language and Literature in 2002… >>More


Advisory Boards & Research Affiliates

      With the intent to recruit professors from other universities to teach short-term or cooperate in research projects, both an international and domestic advisory board was instituted. >>More


Faculty Research Areas

      Besides serving SISU in providing academic instruction in IC to various departments, a primary goal of the SII is to strengthen the research base of the intercultural field according to the interests and competencies of our faculty. The primary research areas of each include: >>More


Faculty Home Pages

      This page provides an overview of our active faculty, their brief bios, publications and areas of research focus. >>More


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